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Organizing for the Kitchen After School Snack Attack

With the kids back in school, it's time to turn the focus back on you. And what a better place to start than with the place you spend the majority of your time- your home! Read on for the second in a series of posts about restoring peace of mind through home improvement.

“Mom, I’m hungry and there’s nothing to eat!”

The kitchen is the social hub of the home, and often the first place your kids run to after a long day at school. For this reason it can also be one of the most cluttered. Refreshing your cabinets can help keep your kitchen clutter and stress-free with innovative designs for organization.

The Built-In Lazy Susan

Corners often mean less storage space. Make the most of your corner cabinets by choosing ones with plastic or wooden spin units inside. Fill it with their favorite snack foods and this never ending carousel of afternoon treats will keep the kids happily staring at their options for hours.

The Hidden Recycling Bins

With snacking inevitably also comes waste. Recycling has become more and more important as we try to teach our kids to treasure the world we will soon hand over to them. However, having to sort these items into a separate bin does give us another messy container to try and hide. A perfect solution is to install a cabinet with two hidden trash bins- one for your trash and one for your recycling. This allows you to hide unsightly trash while making recycling a part of your kids’ daily routine. And this is only one of the many uses you can find for these storage bins!

The On-the-Door Spice Rack

Kids can be picky, so at dinner time, spices can certainly freshen up traditional food. However they are also one of the biggest clutter-causing items we store in our kitchen. Miscellaneous bottles get shoved haphazardly into cabinets, seeming to multiply on their own, and can never be found when needed. While it’s always an option to get a free-standing spice rack, counter space tends to be valuable. Another option is to get cabinets with a built-in spice rack on the door. This makes those spices easily accessible, while tucking them out of sight at the same time.

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About the Author

Julie Prince, Prince Home Improvement Experts
3932 Lake Mirage Blvd
Orlando, FL 32817

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