McLean Kitchen Remodeling Costs & Prices
McLean, Virginia. The McLean Kitchen Remodeling Cost Report is a concise report on everything you need to know about the cost of kitchen remodeling in the McLean area.
Average Kitchen Remodeling Cost in McLean
We have done a little research to find the average cost of kitchen remodeling in McLean. Here are the average costs and prices reported back to us:
Cost of Kitchen Remodeling in Mclean, Virginia$153.22 per square foot (for basic construction) (Range: $140.91 - $165.53) Free Estimates from Local Pros |
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McLean Kitchen Remodeling Cost Data
Professionals in the McLean area have provided information about how much kitchen remodeling cost(s). Here are some of the individual reports:
22101, McLean, Virginia - September 19, 2019
Kitchen Remodeling$152.65 - $179.32 per square foot (for basic construction) Estimated quote considers the cost of kitchen remodeling. No additional charge for planning out the design, painting walls, replacing appliances, refacing cabinets, upgrading countertops, installing new floors, and adding custom light fixtures. Price does not take into account major layout changes, ultra-premium finishes, accessories or furniture.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
22314, Alexandria, Virginia - September 19, 2019
Kitchen Remodeling$145.23 - $170.61 per square foot (for basic construction) This is an average kitchen remodeling price. Also includes planning out the design, painting walls, replacing appliances, refacing cabinets, upgrading countertops, installing new floors, and adding custom light fixtures. Additional cost for major layout changes, ultra-premium finishes, accessories or furniture.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
20877, Gaithersburg, Maryland - September 19, 2019
Kitchen Remodeling$134.42 - $157.91 per square foot (for basic construction) Includes the price of kitchen renovation. Cost accounts for designing and fully updating a kitchen with mid-grade finishes, including new lighting, appliances, countertops, cabinet faces, flooring, and paint. Does not include major structural modifications, upscale design choices, or new furnishings.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
20090, Washington, District of Columbia - September 19, 2019
Kitchen Remodeling$144.30 - $169.52 per square foot (for basic construction) This kitchen remodeling price considers the cost of labor. Also includes planning out the design, painting walls, replacing appliances, refacing cabinets, upgrading countertops, installing new floors, and adding custom light fixtures. Cost estimate excludes major layout changes, ultra-premium finishes, accessories or furniture.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
20814, Bethesda, Maryland - September 19, 2019
Kitchen Remodeling$134.42 - $157.91 per square foot (for basic construction) Labor for kitchen renovation is included in the cost. Does include designing and fully updating a kitchen with mid-grade finishes, including new lighting, appliances, countertops, cabinet faces, flooring, and paint. Price excludes major structural modifications, upscale design choices, or new furnishings.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
21701, Frederick, Maryland - September 19, 2019
Kitchen Remodeling$134.42 - $157.91 per square foot (for basic construction) This price includes kitchen renovation. No additional charge for designing and fully updating a kitchen with mid-grade finishes, including new lighting, appliances, countertops, cabinet faces, flooring, and paint. Cost does not account for major structural modifications, upscale design choices, or new furnishings.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
20882, Gaithersburg, Maryland - January 31, 2015
Kitchen Remodeling$125.00 to $185.00 per square foot (for basic construction) $19,709.00 to $58,536.00 fixed fee (full remodel with standard options) Every project is different.
Reported by: Scott Johnson, Cedar Ridge Remodeling Company |
22310, Alexandria, Virginia - October 23, 2014
Kitchen Remodeling$5,000.00 to $100,000.00 fixed fee (full remodel with standard options) Quality and Value
Reported by: Olu Olaseinde, ARCHIQUEST, INC |
McLean Kitchen Contractors
ARCHIQUEST, INC5412 WOODWAY DR, Alexandria, VA 5715223262
Cedar Ridge Remodeling Company25009 Johnson Farn RD, Gaithersburg, MD 301-253-5988
Flores & Sons Corp17709 Striley Drive, Ashton, MD 240-389-1459